İbavet as a brand is one of the fundamental companies of Turkey with continuous production for over 40 years, improving quality day by day and offering standard quality products with its semi-automation system.
Furniture Paint and Varnishes
We offer professional solutions to identify the customer’s expectations, specify their needs and satisfy their demands quickly.

Since 1977, İBAVET is among the most preferred brands in the furniture paint and varnish industry thanks to its ever-growing structure, meeting various demands and expectations of the market.
İba Group started paint and varnish production in 1977 and currently continues production activities with the brands İbavet and Valresa in furniture paint, İbasanayi Paint in industrial paint and İba Chemistry in paint powder.
It has also become a global corporate group on production and distribution with Atico in Kayseri, İbaChemolak in Slovakia, İba.International in Poland and Ibarus in Russia.
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Our Address
Oğuz Caddesi No:24 I. Organize Sanayii Bolgesi
06930 Sincan / ANKARA
Phone : 0 312 267 56 22
Fax: 0 312 267 56 29