Oğuz Caddesi No:24 I. Organize Sanayii Bolgesi
06930 Sincan / ANKARA
Phone : 0 312 267 56 22
Fax: 0 312 267 56 29
Environment, Occupational Health and Safety policy of İba Valresa Inc. is to leave a liveable earth for the future generations. With this object in mind, actions setting an example in the industry are planned and continuity in application is ensured.
Numerous works are being successfully carried out regarding Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and the control of environmental factors. By fully complying to legal requirements and regulations, an environmentally friendly production is aimed.
Mixing of the process wastes into the soil, water and air is prevented. No chemicals banned due to harming human health and environment are used in our products. Chemicals with restricted usage are used provided that the limit values are not exceeded.
Proses atıklarının toprağa, suya ve havaya karışması engellenmiştir. Ürünlerimizde insan sağlığına ve çevreye zararlı etkisi bulunması nedeniyle kullanımı yasaklanan kimyasallar kullanılmamaktadır. Kısıtlı kullanım izni verilen kimyasallar sınır değerleri aşmayacak şekilde kullanılmaktadır.
Danger markings, risks and precautions are shown on the packaging of the products. Hazards concerning our employees during the production are identified with risk analyses and necessary precautions are taken. Personal protective materials are chosen carefully in compliance with the European standards. Our employees receive regular trainings on OHS, environment, emergencies and fire and drills are conducted.
Oğuz Caddesi No:24 I. Organize Sanayii Bolgesi
06930 Sincan / ANKARA
Phone : 0 312 267 56 22
Fax: 0 312 267 56 29